Hiroaki Kitano
The unified theme of my research is "emergence and evolution of
intelligence". Diverse approach must be taken to tackle this grand
problem. As a basic research, I am focusing on computional aspects
of the evolution of neurogenesis and morphogenesis.
Research on the high-level intelligence is based on the
genetic supervision theory and active perception, so that phenomena
such as emotion and selective attention can be incorporated.
In the long run, these issues will be integrated as ``Symbiotic
Systems Theory''.
A robust real-time translation of closed-caption and entertainment
applications are expected fruits of these basic research.
New Version (Under Construction)
Selected List
Kitano, H. and Hendler, J. (Eds.),
"Massively Parallel Artificial Intelligence,"
The MIT Press, 1994.
Kitano, H.,
"Speech-to-speech translation: a massively parallel memory-based
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.
Kitano, H.,
"Challenges of Massive Parallelism: The Computers and Thought Award Lecture, "
Proc. of IJCAI-93, 1993.
Kitano, H.,
"Designing Neural Networks using Genetic Algorithm with Graph Generation System,"
Complex Systems, 4, 461-476, 1990.
The Computers and Thought Award, 1993. From the International Joint Conferences on
Artificial Intelligence
JCD Design Award, 1996. From the Japanese Society of Commercial Space Designers,
for the design of Boutique Gomme at La Foret Harajuku, Shibuya, Tokyo
Professional Activities (Partial Listings)
- Chairperson, The International Committee for RoboCup
Journal Editors
- Associate Editor, Journal of Evolutionary Computing, MIT Press
- Associate Editor, Journal of Applied AI
- Editorial Board, Journal of Artificial Life, MIT Press
- Editorial Board, Journal of AI Research, NASA Ames Research
- Editorial Board, Journal of Theoretical and Experimental AI (JETAI)
Conference Committee
Current Involvement
- IJCAI Liaison Officer, International Joint Conferences for Artificial
- International Committee, International Conference on Evolutionary
- Program Co-Chair,
International Conference on Evolutionary Computing,
Nagoya, 1996
- Program Co-Chair,
Artificial Life V, Nara, 1996
- Program Committee, International Conference on Evolutionary Computing,
Pearth, 1995.
- Program Committee, International Conference on Knowledge Representation
(KR-96), 1996.
- Program Committee, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-96), 1996.
Past Involvment (Partial List)
- Program Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Evolutionary Computing,
Orland, 1994
- Program Committee, AAAI-94, Seattle, 1994
- Advisory Board, International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence 1995
Japan Debate Association
In Japanese