Shigeru Owada, Ph.D
Associate Researcher
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
Contact info: Please go to Sony CSL webpage.
We cannot disclose our mailing address because of the company policy.

I propose Food Computing, which explores the relationship between food and computer. The subfields of Food Computing are rich and diverse. They include: 3D User Interface, EUI (Edible User Interface), 3D Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Biological/Physical Simulation, Dietetics, Psychology, and so on. I am currently working on Volume Modeling and EUI.

2005 Ph.D from The Univ. of Tokyo (under supervision of Takeo Igarashi)
M.Sc (2000), B.Sc (1998) from The Univ. of Tokyo

Projects Publications

Misc codes[Japanese]

  • Hobby : I play the violin. I am an organizer of
    Shigeru Owada <>